(Born August 25, 1983) In 2005 she graduated from the National Mining University, "Mine Surveying". Since September 2005 he has been working at the department of surveying the posts of senior assistant, assistant. In 2007 he entered graduate school at the Department of surveying. Thesis: "Justification of the parameters that characterize the effect of time cleaning work on the earth's surface in the Western Donbass". Scientific director Professor Valentin A. Nazarenko. Performs duties in the department responsible for keeping and updating the archive of student work, storage of input and output documents. At a junior researcher involved in economic contracts scientific subjects for the study of geomechanical processes around mining pits Western Donbass. Research interests strata movement and surface in the development of shallow coal seams. She participated in six conferences, including international (Germany, Yalta). Just published 14 scientific works. |