Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

проф. Назаренко В.А.

Nazarenko Valentin

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
(Born October 2, 1954)

Higher education in "Surveying" got in the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1980, he worked at the department of surveying in 1980 as an engineer, assistant lecturers and professors of the department. In the period from 1994 to 2004, he was the scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the National Mining University.

He defended his thesis in 05.15.01 - Mine surveying on "Justification parameters strata movement and surface when mining coal seams in the Western Donbass" in 1994 doctoral thesis "geometrization process displacement of the earth's surface sloping moving longwall coal bed" for specialty 05.15.01 - Mine surveying defended in 2004 in a specialized scientific council of the National Mining University.

Title: Senior Research Fellow (1996), Associate Professor (2000), Professor (2006).

In addition to pedagogical work with students and graduate research work led applicants, graduate students and doctoral candidates. He is a member of two specialized councils for the protection of theses, member of the editorial board of the professional journal "Problems of rock pressure.".

Research interests - surveying technique of performance measurement processes strata movement and surface in the development of mineral deposits, geomechanical processes around underground mine workings.

Has published more than 150 works. Author of the textbook (neck MES), 7 manuals (5 stamped MES) and a number of teaching ukazaniy.Uchastnik many scientific conferences, including international (Russia, Slovenia, China, Iran).



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